April - Last But Not Least

Oh April, you have been one sad month. There were no major showers, but there were major tears shed. We are currently still under quarantine due to the Coronavirus, but we are trying to make the best of it. This month has gone by really fast and I have truly lost track of time being stuck in the house all day. There was not much schoolwork to be done except to listen to Cell Control lectures. I definitely found it hard to stay focus and trying to understand the material being taught and not being able to see the professor was even more difficult. They would try to explain the mechanism, but I would get really confused about what part they are talking about without seeing them point to it and it’s hard to not be able to ask a question right then and there. I feel like online teaching is much harder to communicate through then attending class in person. Even though this part was rough, I did it to my best ability. 
Besides trying to figure out the material, I wanted to see how I can help my local community with coping with the virus without being in contact or causing harm to anyone else. This was definitely hard, so I decided not to risk my health and the health of others, so I decided to do something a little more special by sending small motivational text messages to one person a day just to lift up their spirit during hard times. 
This program has offered me so much and I can never thank you enough. I have learned so much and was offered a great opportunity. I have met the greatest faculty, staff, and friends. I will forever be grateful and to this end, I wish everyone good luck on all their endeavors. Hopefully, we could have a little reunion once all this pandemic stuff is over. 

Total Community Hours = 6 hours 


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