March - No Four Leaf Clover Here

March Madness has set upon us all this year. This month has been a very interesting month with everything going on, it was supposed to be grind time for the NBME. I had all my material ready and I have been preparing for this final exam of med pharm since Mardi Gras break, and BOOM we were hit with the devastating news that the exam would not be given due to serious precaution with coronavirus. We had our first zoom session with the whole class and department, so it was interesting to see how an online class would feel like in graduate school, it was definitely rough to stay focus. I feel like the whole class was not prepared for this major transition and not being able to communicate with the people we have seen for the past couple of months. This has definitely taken a toll on my mental health, but I am glad I do have friends checking up on me and finding things to keep me isolated and preoccupied. But with all the changes, before the isolation and stay in place was put in place, I got the chance to celebrate my birthday a little early with a great group of friends. This year was not what I pictured, but I am truly grateful for this program for being so educational and introducing me to a wonderful group of interesting people. I also got the opportunity to do a little community service for environmental signaling class, by going around the city collecting dirt from local dirt where children may play or be around for later testing of lead. All in all, March was truly madness, but I really miss the classroom setting and my friends.

Community Service: 4 hours (February) + 2 hours (March) = 6 Hours Total


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