September - Still New
The start of graduate school has been one crazy rollercoaster. I had to adjust from not study for a whole year to constantly studying every day and being on top of the game. We just finished taking our second block exam and I am completely drained but learning all these drugs and concepts has made me understand why we need to learn all these things. This requires me to constantly change the way I study and understand things, specifically for clinical concept of the drugs. So, I am excited to learn the next block’s material by creating flashcards and discussing the material out loud in a group. Besides constantly studying, I have met many new friends through the program and showing them the city of New Orleans and how wonderful it is. I am a true New Orleans native, born in the east bank, but raised in the west bank. I truly love my city and all the crazy creative things the city offers. As a creative crazy city, people get caught up in the party scene and forgets about our li...